U.S. House Representative Chellie Pingree says Paul Ryan's choice not to seek reelection in November highlights Republicans’ struggle to work alongside the Trump administration.
Pingree wants House Speaker Paul Ryan to use his final time in office to work across the aisle on immigration. She says this is a chance for the Speaker to introduce a House immigration package similar to reforms passed by the U.S. senate in recent years.
“He could do a lot of good, especially since he's now on the way out the door. And I hope that's what we see before he's gone.”
Pingree says Maine businesses stand to suffer if the current administration continues to limit seasonal worker visas.
“We're hearing from small businesses all over the state their frustrations that this immigration is just choking off this system,” she says. “So there's a lot of good he could do in looking at the immigration issue more comprehensively. And it would certainly have an impact here in Maine.”
The Trump administration increased some seasonal work visas last year but critics say the cap is still too low to meet employers needs.