Maine Public's Your Vote coverage is made possible through the support of AARP Maine, MEMIC, and the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein.
Looking for the latest news on Maine ballot initiatives? Or a rundown on Maine candidates running for U.S. Senate and Maine's 1st and 2nd House Districts? Find all of Maine Public's election coverage on this page, including voter registration, absentee voting and more.
Maine results
Presidential results
In addition to the presidential and congressional races, Maine voters will decide on five ballot questions and fill all 186 seats in the state Legislature.
Candidate interviews
As dictated by voters last month, Democrat Kamala Harris will receive three electoral votes from Maine while President-elect Donald Trump will receive a single vote.
The announcement reaffirms Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Golden's narrow victory.
With all but one recount now concluded, it's clear that Democrats will retain a very slim majority in the Maine House and a slightly larger majority in the Senate.
Democrats are poised to retain control of both the Maine House and the Senate next session, but the recounts will dictate how narrow the margin will be between the parties.
State election officials hope to have the final election results by Thursday or Friday after all of the ballots have been scanned, uploaded and voters' second-choice preferences have been factored in.
Meanwhile, Republicans in the House and Senate reelected their two top leaders and selected two new faces to serve as assistant leaders.
Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Golden's narrow lead shrunk as late returns came in from across the district. Maine's secretary of state said Thursday night that neither candidate received more than 50% of the vote, triggering a ranked-choice runoff.
The ballot question asked for $10 million in borrowing to restore historic buildings owned by governmental and nonprofit organizations
What to know about the outcomes of local races, ballot questions and the 2nd Congressional District contest
King finished with 52% of the vote — a nearly 20 point spread from his closest competitor, former state Republican party chair Demi Kouzounas.